Saturday, 1 September 2012

Heres to the new school year!

Hello everyone!

As you may have noticed, me and Zub haven't being blogging in a while, but we are back and back for good because we have missed blogging so much! 

 We can't believe that its now September ( pinch punch first day of the month!) which means school soon :( We have school in 5 days, and still need to finish our school english project, oh dear. 

We thought we'd take the chance to give you some..

  Back To School BEAUTY tips! 

1) Not drinking our 6-8 glasses of water a day can take a toll on our skin, so ALWAYS take a water bottle to school or pick one up at the canteen to not only stay hydrated but to keep our skin clear. 

2) Staying up late to study for exams or writing essays can lead to unsightly dark circles. Despite, sleeping 9 hours is the best way to not have any, there are  things you we do to minimize these. Try applying an eye cream, I like this one from No.7 or an alternative is to wet a piece of tissue or kitchen paper and put it in the freezer over night and place it on your under eye circle for about 15-30secs. It works wonders! 

3) This might be kinda hard for us girls, but try not to touch your hair throughout the day because this can cause our hair to become more greasy! You could also carry some dry shampoo in your bag with you for that boost of volume throughout the day. Treseme and battise do good ones.

4) This is another hair related tip, but DON'T wash your hair everyday. I use to wash my hair everyday, and once you get into the cycle you can't just can stop it because your hair is getting much more greasy quicker and its stripping your hair from releasing its natural oils. I recommend washing your hair every other day! 

5) As a teenager, you usually suffer from oily hormonal skin. I know i still have really oily skin, and to combat the oil I really recommend a good moisturiser that is suitable for oily skin. A moisturiser that really helped me was one from The body shop called 'The tea tree matifying moisture gel.' Its pretty inexpensive. You can also carry some blot sheets in your bag or use a foundation primer, my all time favourite is this one from GOSH. 

We wish you a good luck at school this year, and we hope you find these tips usefull!
